Favorite Holiday Houseplants
Decorate your space for Christmas or give a gift with any of these beautiful houseplants:
Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)
This beautiful evergeen plant makes a perfect Christmas decoration. These bright-red berries can hang on until spring!
When crushed, the leaves emit a minty aroma.
They prefer bright, indirect sunlight and temperatures between 60 - 70 F.
Keep soil evenly moist, but not soggy. Put in a well-draining pot.
This cold-hardy perennial can be planted outside in the Spring after the ground thaws!
A Christmas classic that comes in many colors. Its beautiful flower-like leaves (bracts) get their color due to the shorter winter days.
These plants need to stay indoors here in Montana. They suffer damage when exposed to temperatures below 50 F and die when exposed to freezing temperatures.
Keep moist and water when soil is dry to the touch.
Place by a south, east, or west-facing window so it recieves bright day light.
Keep away from drafts and areas with fluctuating temperatures.
Holiday Cactus
There are several holiday cactuses. Our preferred option is the Thanksgiving Cactus pictured to the right. This is what we sell during holidays, given its resilience, early bloom times and stunning colors.
A truely classic low maintenance houseplant that can brighten up any room with it’s iconic tube-like blooms.
They do best in bright, indirect sunlight and in temperatures between 60 - 65 F.
Their soil should be kept moist, but not waterlogged. Water when the top 2 - 3 inches of soil are dry.
Under the right conditions, these plants will bloom from mid-November until after Christmas.
Pet Safe!
Lemon Cypress
The Lemon Lime Cypress is a great low-maintenance evergreen that can be kept in a container, bonsaied, or used as a hedge. It’s needles exude a light citrus smell when touched or crushed.
This plant is incredibly easy to care for. It does not required soil enrichment, prefers partial to full sun, and evenly moist soil (if kept as a houseplant).
They prefer a cool, moist climate and do well in temperatures between 20 - 70 F. If kept inside, make sure to keep it in a place with sufficient humidity.
Pet Safe!
Norfolk Island Pine
These evergreen trees can be kept indoors and make a great houseplant. Though “pine” is in the name, these trees are actually monkey puzzles.
Grown indoors, they can reach heights of 3 - 8 ft.
They prefer full sun and temperatures between 65 - 70 F.
Make sure to water at least every two weeks and provide some humidity.
During the growing season, fertilize with a weak liquid fertilizer (20-20-20 NPK).