Farm Your Soil!
The importance of soil health
As opposed to decades ago, soil health is now recognized as a key component in planting success. Transplanting into healthy soil leads to a much higher success rate. Soil composition, pH level, and any nutrient deficiencies in your soil may be holding your garden back.
Organic matter, in the form of compost, is almost always a great idea to improve soil fertility and structure. Compost works wonders because its airy, retains moisture, and teems with life. Feed the soil and you’ll feed the plant!
Healthy soils are packed with microbes. You can find billions of microbes in a single tablespoon. These bacteria benefit from the nutrients in plant roots. The plants benefit from the bacteria breaking down organic matter and freeing up nutrients. Given the importance of the root zone, we’re created our own Caras Soil Elixir. It’s not a fertilizer but goes to work under the ground to activate your soil. To learn more about the Elixir, click the button below.
In western Montana, adding sulfur and humic acid (a key ingredient in Caras Elixir) to your soil can be beneficial because there are many micro-nutrients that get tied up in the soil, and are thus unavailable, due to the naturally higher pH of our region. These micro-nutrients include iron, magnesium, manganese, boron, copper, zinc, and others.
Mycorrhizae (fungus root) is the soil fungi that partners with plant roots to increase their ability to uptake water and nutrients. Mycorrhizae go hand-in-hand with beneficial soil microbes - healthy soils have both - and these organisms are dependent on available organic matter and moisture.
Below are pictures of products Caras Nursery carries to promote mycorrhizae in your soil!
Fertilizing is a good secondary option to supplement plant growth. Nitrogen, in particular, promotes rapid growth and is often short lived in the soil as opposed to phosphorus, which often lingers. Typically, you want to look for a fertilizer that has a higher ratio of nitrogen compared to phosphorus and potassium.
We offer a variety of great fertilizers! The picture to the left are some of our favorite fertilizers we like to recommend.
Different fertilizers will have different benefits. Be sure to ask our staff for help to find the best fertilizer for you!
It is important to feed the soil first. Healthy, rewarding growth is the byproduct of healthy, rich soil.